PR-Strategy in the national and international context”, “The role of the public in the communication of international organizations” or “PR or Marketing – where are the limits?” – are some of the workshops on offer. Target groups are journalists or PR professionals, students of journalism and PR, young adults or experts in peace missions.

Each of our workshop tutors has undergone a six-month training with the Berlin Chamber of Commerce and Industry (certificates awarded in March 2013), and has acquired the core instruments all good trainers should posses. Conducting an effective and interesting workshop requires – aside from knowledge of the topic – a detailed knowledge on the learning process and group behavior.

The newly independent Balkan nation of Kosovo will provide the backdrop for much of our PR strategy and communications training as we focus on real life, concrete examples. One tutor has seven years experience in Kosovo working in PR, peacekeeping and conflict resolution. She also has in depth knowledge of the entire region.